A to Z Blog Challenge


I’m currently on a week of unplanned vacation from all my social media activities. I needed to recharge and get back on track. I just wanted to mention, though, that I’m signed up for the A to Z Challenge starting in April. 26 letters in 26 days will definitely qualify as a challenge for this disorganized blogger, but I’m going to make it happen.

I’m planning my topics now and will be writing them during the month of February. That will leave me free to schedule them for automatic posting and go make the rounds to the other blogs that will be participating. (I’m signed up as #345, which feels like an auspicious number indeed.) I’m looking forward to meeting as many of those other people as I can. I hope people enjoy what I have planned here as well.

About Joyce

Joyce Sully lives in Southern California. She graduated from UC Irvine. She likes to knit and cook and play video games. But mostly she writes. Joyce writes short stories and novels, songs and poems, scripts and instructions to feed the cat if she stays out late. She has been spotted as far afield as Seattle, but travel makes her nervous. She believes in magic and dragons and ghosts, but is not convinced her next-door neighbors are real.
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4 Responses to A to Z Blog Challenge

  1. Hi Joyce – Thank you for featuring the A to Z Challenge in your post! Welcome to this year’s challenge – I know you will enjoy it!

    Getting prepared and organized in February is enviable – I’m still tossing ideas around, but hopefully all will be done and scheduled well in advance!

    Have a wonderful week away from “here” – I’ve done the same occasionally, and it really does help put things back into perspective!

    Jenny @ Pearson Report
    Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

  2. Arlee Bird says:

    Good for you, Joyce. Unorganized is okay–maybe even more fun. And actually the fact that you’re already giving thought suggests that some organization is in the works. Be sure to be checking the A to Z Blog for helpful hints.
    Welcome to the Challenge!

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  3. Ella says:

    Nice to meet you Joyce! I’m looking forward to the challenge and your posts~

  4. I was completely unorganized last year and it was great fun! I work better under pressure, anyway. I look forward to your A-to-Z posts, and hope this rest has been a good one!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

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