Comic-Con => Zombie!Joyce

Five days, way too many lines, and one lost bracelet (dammit!) later and I’m home from San Diego Comic-Con 2010. Even after twelve hours of sleep last night, I’m still reeling, unsure if I had a good time and why. Friday, the day of suck, saw the lost bracelet (dammit!), a three and one half hour line to get into a room, and the resulting one and a half missed panels. I really, really didn’t like that day.

But on either side of the day of suck, I got to see: the cast of Castle, plus extra Nathan Fillion at another panel; some writers I’ve read and a lot I haven’t but now want to; previews of excellent-looking shows, including Nikita; James Marsters at a table in the exhibit hall; Anthony Stewart Head, who laughs like he’s dying ALL THE TIME, wiping tears from his eyes and giggling; and a panel on zombie fiction that actually makes me want to read it, despite my utter loathing and the not-fun kind of creeping horrors for zombies.

I got books signed by Naomi Novik, both the writer and artist of Leviathan, and a bunch more whom I’ve never read, but who were awesome to listen to on panels. I started reading a book I had never heard of but now LOVE (Blood and Ice, by Robert Masello). I stocked up on comic books. I chatted with vendors about books I like and authors and the whole con experience.

So even though I lost a bracelet (dammit!), got lost–rather a lot really, because my e-nav hates me–around San Diego, stood in so many lines my grandchildren will be having sore knees, and spent the days starving at the con until going out for dinner (oh, how I long for home-cooked food now), I think I had a good time. Whether or not I enjoyed it enough to attend for a third time next year remains a subject of some debate. But I’m pretty sure I’m happy I went this time.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have books to read, swag to sort, and joints to ice.

About Joyce

Joyce Sully lives in Southern California. She graduated from UC Irvine. She likes to knit and cook and play video games. But mostly she writes. Joyce writes short stories and novels, songs and poems, scripts and instructions to feed the cat if she stays out late. She has been spotted as far afield as Seattle, but travel makes her nervous. She believes in magic and dragons and ghosts, but is not convinced her next-door neighbors are real.
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