NaNoWriMo Planning, Day 2

Oof. I’m losing confidence in my idea for stupid reasons. I keep stressing about where I plan to send it when it’s finished. My original intention was to write something for Torquere’s Everyday Spectres line, since the 50k I need for NaNo would edit down nicely to the 45k limit on the line. But somewhere along the line, the magical creatures got something of a backseat to the, well, let’s call them magical humans. And as I do planning math, the story is ballooning out to larger word counts. It’s not because the story needs more space — I actually have no idea at the moment how I will fill all that I have now — but because I want tidy numbers, which ones like 76.9 and 67 are not.

So instead of concentrating on my story, which is the one thing I need to do right now, I’m panicking about word counts and submission guidelines and content requirement. Ugh.

On the plus side, I think I have my conflicts all worked out.

About Joyce

Joyce Sully lives in Southern California. She graduated from UC Irvine. She likes to knit and cook and play video games. But mostly she writes. Joyce writes short stories and novels, songs and poems, scripts and instructions to feed the cat if she stays out late. She has been spotted as far afield as Seattle, but travel makes her nervous. She believes in magic and dragons and ghosts, but is not convinced her next-door neighbors are real.
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